“Would you like to be my date for the ROTC dance?” asked Rick. I couldn't believe he was asking me. My two best friends had gotten dates weeks ago, so I had given up hope of anyone from ROTC asking me. Rick was the cutest guy in the club! He wanted to go with me? “Are you serious?” “It' s semiformal, so you'll need a dress, but my parents will pay for the tickets and the limo,” he responded. How could I ask for more – a chariot taking Prince Charming and me to the ball? My mouth worded, “Yes,” as my heart leapt with joy. I had never been to a semiformal dance before, and now was my chance. This would be the best night of my life!
The moment got home, I told my mom about Rick's asking. Immediately, she took me shopping to find the perfect dress. We went to the hairdresser's to make an appointment for Friday before the dance to have my hair and nails done. I wanted Rick's eyes to literally pop out of his head when he saw me. I wanted him to take one look at me and fall in love. Could it happen ? Would it? Could I be transformed into a beautiful princess? Before I knew it, days had passed. I couldn't sleep at all. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and my head was throbbing. Friday morning I woke up and the whole world seemed to spin. I tried to lift my head off the pillow but I couldn' t move.
“Honey, you're going to be late for school... are you okay?” My mom came into the bedroom. Her hand flew to my forehead. “Oh no! You' ve got a fever.” I didn't feel hot; I felt cold, so very cold. My mother helped me dress, and she drove me to my doctor. I had been there only a few minutes before my doctor called an ambulance. I couldn't understand all that my doctor was telling me. All I could hear was a muffled “One-hundred-four-degree fever.”
The hospital's bright lighting was blinding as a nurse with long, dark hair stuck two IVs in my arm. I didn't remember seeing her come into my room, only the blanket being thrown on top of me. “Cold, very cold,” I said, “The blanket is filled with ice.” She explained, “You have a bad infection. Your doctor ordered fluids and antibiotics for you. Just rest.” I closed my eyes.
It seemed only a few minutes later when I heard, “Good morning.” My doctor woke me. “I'm glad you slept through the night. Luckily, we've brought your temperature down. You are one special little girl. You have a very serious ear, nose, and throat infection, but it seems we now have it under control.” “Mom?” I gasped. “Dad?... ”I' m right here. “ My mother grabbed my hand. I looked and my parents were there beside me. ”Did I miss the dance?“ My mom smiled. ”I called Rick. I got his number out of your address book and let him know that you were in the hospital.“□”Oh no!“ I cried. ”There' ll be other dances,“ said my doctor. ”Be thankful you' ll be alive to see them." Days passed.
I got increasingly stronger and no longer had a temperature. They discovered that I had developed a very bad strep infection that was treated with antibiotics. I hadn't heard from Rick at all. That bothered me. I worried that he was angry. Not only had I missed the dance, but his parents had also spent that money on a limo. I had let them all down. Who could blame him if he never spoke to me again? I cared so much about looking good, I had worn myself down. The same nurse who had given me my IVs came into my room holding another hospital gown. “Put this on backwards so your rump won't show,” she said.
“Why do I need to do that? Aren't I going home today? I've got one gown on already.” She left, shutting the door, and although I didn't feel like putting on another gown, I did what she asked. Maybe there was another X-ray or test my doctor needed before I could be released. Suddenly the door swung open and standing before me were my parents holding balloons and a tape player, my two best friends in formals, their dates, and Rick in a tuxedo.
“Would you care for a dance?” Rick asked. “Just because you missed the ROTC dance doesn't mean we can't have our own right here——right now.” Tears came to my eyes. “Sure,” I stammered. The nurse closed the curtains and left only the bathroom light on. My friends coupled together as Rick wrapped his arms around me and began to sway to the music. “I'm so glad you are okay,” he said. “I called your parents every night to check up on you.” “They didn't tell me.” I pulled at my hair so it wouldn't look unbrushed. “Don't worry.” He smiled. “You look beautiful.”
For what seemed like hours, my friends and I danced. We didn't mind the people watching from the hall or my parents dancing beside us. My two hospital gowns were less than formal, but I didn't care. When the tape was over, Rick helped me into a wheel-chair and took me downstairs to the limousine waiting to take me home. Never will I forget that afternoon for as long as I live. I didn't have my hair fancily done or even a pretty dress, but I learned how to feel truly beautiful——to be loved.