If we view our lives as a juggling act or a sort of sporting contest, we learn to go along with the limitations and obstacles that are dealt us. We then find ways to make it through the event in good shape and with energy. Different talents and strengths will be called upon to get through the obstacles. Our faith, humor, and hope may be tested, but they are what keeps us going as we try to overcome the various obstacles.

Discrimination and prejudice are challenges. We force ourselves to work twice as hard as others; however, the rewards from our work are ours to enjoy. The important thing is to be working at something we find meaningful and worthwhile.

To succeed, you must accept challenges. There will always be barriers, cultural differences, and lack of understanding around us, but it is beneficial for us to stay together, be sensitive to each other needs, and to help each other. Maintaining cultural diversity and integrity is possible as a healthy community builds on teamwork, praise, pride and enthusiasm. Once, we are dedicated to improve critical skills such as knowledge sharing, collaboration, flexibility and risk taking, we will improve our future.

Together, we can make our world a better place in which to live by changing the way we and the rest of the population view it—positively. Let's make this challenge a reality.







embarrassment [im'b鎟smnt] n. 窘迫;难堪;拮据

Susan looked down in embarrassment.


juggle ['dl] v. 玩杂耍;欺骗;歪曲

If you juggle with your accounts,you'll get into trouble.


diversity [dai'v:sti] n. 多样性;差异

His writing shows the diversity of human behavior and ability.


collaboration [k,l鎎'rein] n. 合作;通敌;勾结

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.





When anything happens to us, we can take it as a sign that we should not expect anything good out of our lives.

happen to:发生于;偶然发生

If we view our lives as a juggling act or a sort of sporting contest, we learn to go along with the limitations and obstacles that are dealt us.

go along with:与某人相处


Exercise Your Head

佚名 / Anonymous

It goes without saying that exercise is good for your body, but what many don't realize is that it's also good for your mind. No, we don't mean that weight training will suddenly turn you into an Einstein—but study has found that working out regularly improves your mood, boosts your sense of self-esteem and even enhances the function of your brain.

As with other aspects of the health connection between mind and body, scientists are only beginning to understand why physical workouts also provide a mental and emotional boost. But many possibilities are already known, and new research is continually going forward. For those in search of mental as well as physical motivation, here are 12 extra reasons to begin a workout program for the new millennium.

1. Working out can give you a sense of exhilaration and accomplishment, and the increased self-esteem that results from doing something you know is good for you.

2. Exercise causes your body to produce endorphins, the chemicals that dull pain and help produce what's known as the exercise high.

3. Weight-bearing exercise particularly raises your testosterone levels, which can help improve your mood, especially if your levels are naturally on the low side.