






experimentation [ik,sperimen'tein] n. 实验;试验;实验法

After years of experimentation they finally hit pay dirt.


disillusion [,disi'lju:n] v. 使醒悟;使不再抱幻想

She still believe in santa claus and it will is cruel to disillusion her.


chasm ['k鎧m] n. 裂口;深坑;分歧

The couple failed to bridge the chasm between them.


remorse [ri'm:s] n. 懊悔;同情

The prisoner shows no remorse for his crimes.





Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action.

take action:采取行动;提出诉讼;开始起作用

But wallowing in these feelings for a protracted period of time is not healthy.

a period of time:一段时间


Your Key to Certain Success

佚名 / Anonymous

One of the most important attributes an individual can have is confidence. Confidence is invaluable in every area of life, but in business or in achieving any degree of greatness, it is absolutely essential. Unfortunately, there are few places we can go to learn this essential skill. Yet, it is a skill and, as such, can be developed with the right tools.

The first tool for gaining confidence is knowledge. Knowledge of your own strengths and limitations, and knowledge of the arena in which you wish to excel. But knowledge alone isn't enough. Knowledge leads to confidence only when it is validated by experience. We test the validity of what we think or believe by putting the theory into actual practice and gathering data or feedback from the experience. If the feedback is positive, we assume our theories are correct and act accordingly. If the feedback is negative, the bold among us will adjust our course, while the more timid often allow the negative feedback to stop them cold.

Confidence can be gained by knowing, understanding and correctly applying the following formulas and factors:

(1) Knowledge + Experience + Positive Feedback = Confidence.

(2) Positive feedback comes from successful outcomes.

(3) Successful outcomes are the result of consistent practice and repeated attempts.

(4) Repeated attempts are possible only when we believe we will eventually succeed.

The formula seems to say that we must believe in our ability to succeed before we have experienced any semblance of success, and that is true. That's where the knowledge part of the confidence formula comes in, and why it is the first equation in the formula. Before we can believe we will succeed without ever having made an attempt, we must have some knowledge as to what success entails and what strengths and abilities we bring to the mix. We must also know the truth about "failure".

Failure is not the result of attempting to achieve a goal and falling short of the mark. Failure occurs when we allow falling short of the mark to cause us to quit trying. Actually, there are only two ways to fail. (1) Give up before you reach a goal you really want or (2) continue on a path that is wrong for you because you made a wrong choice initially and believe the erroneous choice is the one you must stay with.

Suppose, for example, you got into your car intending to meet a friend at an unfamiliar location. You get turned around on the way there and get lost.

In failure formula number one you discover you are lost and attempt to correct your course. However, you are too far off course for just one correction to get you back on track, so you make another correction and another one. After three or four corrections you decide you will never be able to find your way, so you give up, park your car, and never reach your destination.

In failure formula number two you decide that even though you made a wrong turn, you must stick with it because to make a new choice would mean you failed when you made the original decision that got you lost. So you continue down the wrong road, knowing it's wrong, but refusing to make an alteration because you've already made a choice, however wrong it may be.

Both scenarios sound pretty absurd in that context, but the world is full of people who give up and quit before reaching their goal, and who stay with bad choices long after they have discovered they are bad.

To ensure success you must be willing to alter your course and keep altering it, and to try again and again, as many times as it takes, to reach your destination. Whether you reach it or not will depend on your belief in your ability to eventually arrive, and that brings us back to the confidence formula.

The faith to keep trying ultimately comes from knowing yourself and your abilities, and knowing how to use them most effectively. In the hustle-bustle of today's world, we sometimes forget to take a thorough look at our most valuable asset—ourselves. Only with self-awareness and understanding can we come to believe in our ability to find the right solution and to arrive at our goals.