John F. Kennedy, echoing Theodore Roosevelt, stated the idea more eloquently when he said: "The credit belongs to the mall who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause: who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Living your life on your terms means stepping out on a regular basis. You have a song in your heart. Will you step out from the crowd and sing that song? Will you risk appearing the fool to live your dreams?

It may seem frightening and lonely to step out front. It is, but only for a short time. The comfort of conformity soon pales in comparison to the power, passion and excitement that comes with any bold, new, purposeful action.

You' ll soon find others who' ve stepped out front with you.

They' re people like you who' ve grown weary of living a mediocre existence. They like you will have heeded the whisper of God within, which quietly says, "It' s your life. Make it great."

Step out front this week. It doesn' t have to be a big step.

Maybe you' ve been thinking about starting your own home-based business. Perhaps you have an idea for your own newsletter. Maybe there' s a class you' ve been wanting to take. Whatever it is, take your first step this week.

Step out and have a great week!

It' s your life! Create it the way you want it.

想拥有成功的生活,必须迈出第一步。 记得我十几岁时,也就是刚跨出高中校门的时候,就学到了这宝贵的一课。15年里,我迈出第一步的习惯造就了我今天的生活状态。




约翰·F. 肯尼迪在评价西奥多·罗斯福的一生时,更加生动地证实了这种思想。他说:“荣誉属于那些身处现实竞技场中的豪杰,那些经受尘土、汗水及血迹洗礼的脸颊。他们了解伟大的**及虔诚,并投身于有价值的事业。如果遇到了最好的情形,他赢了,他便会体验到伟大成就所带来的喜悦刺激;相反,如果输了,至少他也敢于付出,所以他的地位永远不会与那些不懂成败的冷酷和怯懦的灵魂为伍。”










habitually [h'bitjuli] adv. 习惯地;日常地

He drinks habitually in the evening.


recruit [ri'kru:t] n. 招聘;新兵;新成员

"Yes, Sir." the new recruit replied.


eloquently ['elkwntli] adj. 有口才的;有说服力的;意味深长的

The speaker made an eloquent appeal for human rights.


conformity [kn'f:miti] n. 一致;适合;相似

Your proposal is not in conformity with our arrangements.





The credit belongs to the mall who is actually in the arena.

belong to:属于

You' ll soon find others who' ve stepped out front with you.

step out:走出去;暂时外出


The Importance of Deciding Promptly

乔治·洛里默 / George Lorimer

While we' re on this subject of favors I want to impress on you the importance of deciding promptly. Decision is a sharp knife that cuts clear and straight and lays bare the fat and the lean; indecision, a dull one that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind it. Say yes or no—seldom perhaps.

When a fellow asks for a job in your department there may be reasons why you hate to give him a clear-cut refusal, but tell him frankly that you see no possibility of placing him, and while he may not like the taste of the medicine, he swallows it and it's down and forgotten. But you say to him that you' re very sorry your department is full just now, but that you think a place will come along later and that he shall have the first call on it, and he goes away with his teeth in a job. You' ve simply postponed your trouble for a few weeks or months. And trouble postponed always has to be met with accrued interest.

Of course, I don' t mean that you want to go rampaging along, trampling on people' s feelings and goring every one who sticks up a head in your path. But there' s no use shilly-shallying and doddering with people who ask questions and favors they have no right to ask. Don' t hurt any one if you can help it, but if you must, a clean, quick wound heals soonest.

When you can, it' s better to refuse a request by letter. In a letter you need say only what you choose; in a talk you may have to say more than you want to say.

With the best system in the world you' ll find it impossible, however, to keep a good many people who have no real business with you from seeing you and wasting your time. Of course, the man whose errand could be attended to by the office-boy is always the one who calls loudest for the boss, but with a little tact you can weed out most of these fellows, and it's better to see ten bores than to miss one buyer.

You' ve got to open a good many oysters to find a pearl.

现在,让我们来谈一谈做事要当机立断的重要性。当机立断如同一把锋利的刀,它可以帮你斩断乱麻,让你看清事物的本质;而优柔寡断则如同一把未开刃的钝刀,一刀下去,不仅不会斩断乱麻,反而会留下更多麻烦。做事情要么说“是”,要么说 “不”,千万不要优柔寡断。


