
What Happened to Sunday

佚名 / Anonymous

Today our life and work rarely feel light, pleasant or healing. Instead, the whole experience of being alive begins to melt into one enormous obligation. It becomes the standard greeting everywhere: "I am so busy."

We say this to one another with no small degree of pride. The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others. To be unavailable to our friends and family, to be unable to find time for the sunset, to whiz through our obligations without time for a single mindful breath — this has become the model of a successful life.

Because we do not rest, we lose our way. We lose the nourishment that gives us help. We miss the quiet that gives us wisdom. Poisoned by the belief that good things come only through tireless effort, we never truly rest.

This is not the world we dreamed of when we were young. How did we get so terribly rushed in a world saturated with work and responsibility, yet somehow bereft of joy and delight?

We have forgotten the Sabbath. Sabbath is the time to enjoy and celebrate what is beautiful and good—time to light candles, sing songs, worship, tell stories, bless our children and loved ones, give thanks, share meals, nap, and walk. It is time to be nourished and refreshed as we let our work, our chores and our important projects lie fallow, trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world when we are at rest.

Sabbath is more than the absence of work. Many of us, in our desperate drive to be successful and care for our many responsibilities feel terrible guilt when we take time to rest. But the Sabbath has proven its wisdom over the ages. Many of us still recall when, not long ago, shops and offices were closed on Sundays. Those quiet Sunday afternoons are embedded in our cultural memory.








obligation [,bli'gein] n. 义务;责任

Are we under any obligation to support the company?


whiz [hwiz] v. 发出嗖嗖声;发出嗡嗡声;嗖嗖掠过

The bus whizzed by him.


nourishment ['nrimnt] n. 滋养品;养料;营养

Plants absorb mineral and other nourishment from the earth.


saturate ['s鎡reit] v. 使渗透;浸;使饱和

We lay on the beach, saturated in sunshine.





This is not the world we dreamed of when we were young.

dream of:梦想;渴望

...trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world when we are at rest.

take care of:负责;照顾;关怀


It Was a Good Barn

佚名 / Anonymous

An old friendship had grown cold. Where once there had been closeness, there was only strain. Now pride kept me from picking up the phone.

Then one day I dropped in on another old friend who's had a long career as a minister and counselor. We were seated in his study—surrounded by maybe a thousand books and fell into deep conversation about everything from small computers to the tormented life of Beethoven.

The subject finally turned to friendship and how perishable it seems to be these days. I mentioned my own experience as an example. "Relationships are mysteries, " my friend said, "Some endure. Others fall apart."

Gazing out his window to the wooded Vermont hills, he pointed toward a neighboring farm, "Used to be a large barn over there." Next to a red-frame house were the footings of what had been a sizable structure.

"It was solidly built, probably in the 1870s. But like so many of the places around here, it went down because people left for richer lands in the Midwest. No one took care of the barn. Its roof needed patching; rainwater got under the eaves and dripped down inside the posts and beams.

"One day a high wind came along, and the whole barn began to tremble. You could hear this creaking, first, like old sailing-ship timbers, and then a sharp series of cracks and a tremendous roaring sound. Suddenly it was a heap of scrap lumber.

"After the storm blew over, I went down and saw these beautiful, old oak timbers, solid as could be. I asked the fellow who owns the place what had happened. He said he figured the rainwater had settled in the pinholes, where wooden dowels held the joints together. Once those pins were rotted, there was nothing to link the giant beams together."

We both gazed down the hill. Now all that was left of the barn was its cellar hole and its border of lilac shrubs.

My friend said he had turned the incident over and over in his mind, and finally came to recognize some parallels between building a barn and building a friendship: no matter how strong you are, how notable your attainments, you have enduring significance only in your relationship to others.

"To make your life a sound structure that will serve others and fulfill your own potential, " he said, "you have to remember that strength, however massive, can't endure unless it has the interlocking support of others. Go it alone and you'll inevitably tumble."