Ⅰ. Complete the following dialogue.

Dialogue A


B:Because they are dishonest. We will never do business with them. Now let me brief you on the black list.

A:Are you sure you have time?You told me you had to deal with the correspondence first.

B:Well,I am done with that. ________________(一些公司来信要求获得我们的新产品样品). They want to cooperate with us. I have asked a courier to deliver the samples to them.

A:They want to cooperate with us________________(因为竞争变得越来越残酷).

B:Yes. If two companies cooperate by setting up a deal,________________(他们变得更强大,能和其他公司竞争。). OK,now let us look at the black list.

Dialogue B

A:Hi,my name is Steven. I am a Finnish car dealer.

B:I am Nancy. Nice to meet you. I own a domestic car factory in Thailand.

A:Actually I have heard a lot about your factory. ________________(你们最近刚和一家意大利公司建立了一家合资企业). Is that right?

B:Oh,yeah. Personally,I think cooperation is very important. So I have been looking for opportunities to cooperate with European companies and ________________(和他们保持良好的商务联系).

A:I agree. Cooperation is important. ________________(这样我们才能使利润最大化). If you continue to do business with other European companies in the future,let me know if you need any help from me.

B:Thank you. ________________(也许我需要您做中间商).

Dialogue C

A:Please have a seat,Mr.Bruno Simon. My name is Cathy Smith. My secretary Lily told me you own a multinational company in Singapore,right?

B:Yes,Miss Smith. ________________(我一直在海外市场需求合作). That is why I came to China.

A:Great. Actually we have been in partnership with a few multinationals in Singapore,and ________________(如果能与您合作,我们很荣幸).

B:Well,I like Chinese people. Chinese people always prioritize everything to manage time well.

A:________________(区分优先次序挺重要). After all,time is money. Mr.Simon,if we cooperate,I hope we can have an excellent rapport with each other.

B:Yeah. Besides,________________(让我们一起努力,将成本降下来).

Ⅱ. Translate the following dialogue into English.
















Ⅲ. Make a short speech(3 minutes).

Suppose you are a senior consultant in business relationship management. You are invited to attend a business workshop and give a short speech entitled “How to Establish Business Relations”. You may talk about:

1. The importance of establishing business relations;

2. The channels to know other traders;

3. How to initiate contacts;

4. The necessity of doing status inquiry of your potential business partners,etc.

Ⅳ. Make a workplace interpretation(3 minutes).


B:You choose well!Our silks are known for good quality. They are one of our traditional exports. Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed. They’re met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.


B:Your desire coincides with ours.


B:Thank you for your information. As you know,our corporation is a state-owned one. We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit. I have no doubt that it will bring about benefit between us.


B:We’ll then make an offer as soon as possible. I hope a lot of business will be put through between us.


B:I’ll give you the lowest price by that time.
