Useful Words and Phrases

agenda 会议议程 attendee 出席者;在场者

projector 投影仪;放映机;探照灯;设计者 notify 通告,通知;公布

preliminary 初步的,开始的 declare 宣布,声明;断言,宣称

chairperson(会议)主持人;主席;议长 budget 预算,预算费

minutes 会议纪要 competitive 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的

competitor 竞争者,对手 summarize 总结;概述;作总结;作概括

strategy 战略,策略 constructive 建设性的;推定的;构造上的

adjourn 休会;休庭;延期

Useful Sentences

Before a meeting 会前

1. I think we need to have a meeting to discuss the problem and work out what measures to take.我认为我们需要开会讨论这一问题,制定出要采取的措施。

2. Is the room ready for the meeting?


3. Have the members been notified?


4. Have you notified all the attendees?


5. I’m calling to inform you that there will be a sales meeting next Monday morning.我打电话是通知您下个星期一上午召开销售会议。

6. When exactly is the meeting?


7. What’s the meeting about?


8. What do I need to prepare for the meeting?


9. Should I prepare anything for the meeting?


Chairing a meeting 主持会议

Opening the meeting

10. Good morning,everyone. If we are all here,let’s get started/ start the meeting/ start.


11. If everyone has got a copy of the agenda,let me first explain the purpose of the meeting.


12. This morning we’re going to discuss three problems.


13. To begin with,I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.


14. First of all,I’d like to introduce two colleagues from our Beijing office.


15. I declare the meeting open.


16. The agenda of the meeting is as follows.


17. I’m glad to see that you could all make it to this meeting.


During the meeting

18. Well,let’s look at the first point.


19. Let’s turn to the second problem.现在开始讨论第二个问题。

20. Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda?


21. Mr.Li,how do you feel about this proposal?李先生,你觉得这个建议如何?

22. What’s your view on this?/ What’s your opinion about this?


23. Would you like to comment?你对此有何评论?

24. Is there anyone who would like to say something?还有没有人要发表意见?

25. May I cut in here?


26. Mr.Chairman,may I make a point here?


27. I strongly believe that her proposal is reasonable.我十分确信她的建议合理。

28. I feel that we should lower our price.我认为我们应该降低价格。

29. I never thought about it that way before.我以前从未那样想过。

30. I see what you mean.我明白你的意思。

31. I get your point.我明白你的意思。

32. That’s a good idea.好主意。

33. OK,that sounds good.好吧。听起来不错。

34. That’s(exactly)the way I feel.我也有同样的看法。

35. I totally agree with you.我完全赞成你的看法。

36. I have to agree with ....我不得不同意……的看法。

37.(I’m afraid)I can’t agree / accept that.恐怕我不同意/不能接受那一点。

38. To be honest,I don’t like the idea.说实话,我不太赞成这个想法。

39. I’m afraid I didn’t understand that. Could you repeat what you just said?恐怕我没理解你的话,你能重复一遍吗?

40. I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that,please?我没听到,请您重复一遍好吗?

41. I don’t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?


42. There’s not much time left. Could you please be brief?时间不多了,请长话短说。

Closing the meeting

43. So far,it looks as if we have covered all the main points.


44. Are we ready to make a decision?我们可以做决定了吗?