戴安娜·梅丽蒂斯·弗格尔/Diane Meredith Vogel
My oldest daughter stopped by today on her way to a job interview. At twenty-one, Erin was ready to venture into the corporate world, and I was so proud of her. She wanted a critique on her appearance and for me to pray with her before she went to the interview.
“You look just great,”I told her,“Really nice. I'd hire you in a heartbeat.”
She smiled and did a runway model turn to show the full impact of her ensemble. If the Job were based on appearance alone, other candidates would have a hard time outshining her. Slim and tan, blond and beautiful, she looked healthy and confident in her interview outfit.
Her makeup, of course, was perfect. She'd invested a lot of time and patience in learning to apply her makeup just so. At first glance, you would think she was wearing no makeup at all. Being naturally blond, she had started by darkening her brows and applying mascara, to show off her long lashes. She used just a hint of shadow to bring out the color of her eyes. A light brush of peachy blush accentuated her cheekbones and gave her a healthy glow. Her lipstick color was a few shades darker than her lips but looked completely natural.
It doesn't surprise me that Erin is so masterful with makeup. After all, she'd been fascinated with it since she was a chubby, flaxen-haired toddler.
When Erin was three, I became pregnant with her sister, and to my dismay, she gave up her daily naps just about the time first trimester fatigue set in. Some days, I desperately needed a nap after lunch, but I also needed to keep an eye on my active little girl. I found a happy solution when I discovered that Erin loved to“make Mommy pretty”with makeup.
As I rested in the recliner, which put me at the perfect level for Erin to reach me, she'd brush and play with my hair and practice putting makeup on me. I almost felt guilty, it felt so good to be pampered like that. As long as she was right there, touching me, I could rest-but the instant she wandered off, my internal alarm woke me right up.
One day as I dozed in the chair while Erin applied her magic, I was startled awake by our dog's barking. I got up and, looking out the window, saw the UPS truck lumbering, into our driveway. Always happy to receive a delivery, I went to the door and met the brown-suited man carrying my package.
I greeted him and made small talk, as usual, while he presented the form for my signature. He kept giving me the strangest look. One minute, he seemed afraid of me, and the next, I was sure he was suppressing laughter. When he didn't participate in the normal,“Nice weather we're having,”conversation, I got a little offended. One would think the employer would make certain drivers were at least courteousand had decent people skills. This guy acted like he couldn't wait to get away.
Only after he was well on his way down the road did I happen to pass by a mirror. I screamed and then broke into hysterical laughter. Erin had outdone herself.
My shoulder-length hair was all brushed to one side and fastened with every barrette we owned carefully snapped into a wild row of rainbow-colored bows and posies down the side of my head. She had also gone all out with the makeup. I had one extremely full and dark eyebrow, which started above my nose, arched over one eye, and ended on the side of my cheek near my ear. She had used two colors of lipstick, orange on the top lip and pink on the bottom-and, well, at three, Erin hadn't quite gotten the hang of coloring inside the lines. A half moon of purple shadow swooped over one eye, and a wide stripe of green adorned the other. She'd been reasonably accurate with the blush, applying two heavy red circles just beyond the corners of my mouth. I looked like the victim of a Crayola explosion.
The next time the UPS man came, I wanted to explain, but he seemed to be in a hurry. Never mind, I thought, let him think what he wants. But it was some time before I allowed Erin to“make Mommy pretty”again.
Today, I looked at the lovely young woman before me and thought, well, it was practice for a day like this. Though it wasn't based solely on her appearance, of course, she got the job-and made her mom very proud.
So, the radicalized critique of knowledge only as a social theory is possible.
The principal part in a duet or ensemble composition.
This new mascara is designed for Asian women.
Not to be outdone, Luke began to chime in with his own rendition.
At first glance, you would think she was wearing no makeup at all.
no……at all:毕竟;终究;究竟;终于
As long as she was right there, touching me.
as long as:既然;由于;只要;如果;达……之外;长达