
I have always wondered about the secrets of successful people. What do they have that lifts them above the ordinary? How do they achieve the superhuman feats that elevate them above others?

First of all, I must affirm my belief in the earlier part of the statement accredited to Snowball in George Orwell's Animal Farm "All animals are equal…"

All human beings are indeed equal, but why does it seem as if some are more equal than others?

I have spent some time studying biographies and autobiographies of great men and women and have found some common denominators among them all. I want to share some of them with you, hoping it will help you in your quest for success.

The first common denominator is a solid goal.

Successful people know what they want and are willing to do everything necessary to get it. They set big, hairy, audacious goals and believe in them so deeply that their lives naturally begin to gravitate toward those goals.

Second, successful people maintain a positive attitude. They believe in their goals and aspirations despite setbacks.

Mohammed Ali decided he wanted to be the greatest athlete ever and told the world he was the greatest even before he won a championship fight.

Perhaps the most famous example is former President Abraham Lincoln. He failed in business in 1831; he was defeated for a seat in the legislature in 1832; he failed in business again in 1833; he was defeated for elector in 1840; he lost his bid for Congress in 1843; he was defeated for vice president in 1856; he lost another run for the Senate in 1858; but he persevered.

He never gave up and was elected president in 1860. The rest, as they say, is history.

Third, successful people believe in themselves and a higher power. Success seems to favor those who have a healthy self-esteem and believe in a divinely endowed ability to achieve success and happiness.

The apostle Paul, a successful man who single handedly took the gospel around the then-known world, said in his letter to the Philippians, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." In that statement he affirmed his belief in himself and in God, which gave him strength.

Benjamin Franklin, who has been described as probably the most successful man who ever lived said, "It is the duty of mankind on all suitable occasions to acknowledge their dependence on the divine being…"

The word "success" has been abused and wrongly translated to mean stupendous wealth and fame. I beg to differ.

It is difficult to agree that Hollywood's definition of success is true success. The price (unhappiness) is too high.

I believe success is the progressive achievement of career, personal and family goals, all at the expense of none.

A solid goal, a positive attitude and a strong belief would lead anybody who desires success along that path.


















feat [fi:t] n.壮举;功绩;技艺表演

She congratulated him on his epoch-making feat.


biography [bai'?gr?fi] n.传记

His biography is a saga of scientific research.


autobiography [??:t?bai'?gr?fi] n.自传

Lacocca's autobiography is a best-seller.


audacious [?:'dei??s] adj.大胆的;放肆的;无礼的;厚颜无耻的

The editorial contained several audacious statements.





He never gave up and was elected president in 1860. The rest, as they say, is history.

give up:放弃;投降;停止,放弃;把……送交

It is difficult to agree that Hollywood's definition of success is true success.

definition of:……的定义