The Only Person in Charge of My Attitude Is Me

安吉拉·罗斯/Angela Ross







The law of life that appears most important is a positive attitude. A positive attitude will help me overcome the impossible. It can determine whether I will succeed or fail in life. I have witnessed different attitudes of many significant people, showing what a positive attitude can do for you in life. It can move mountains, cross troubled waters and help me reach my dreams.

I am inspired by Ms. Debra Clark, who is a good friend of the family. Ms. Clark is a caseworker, an assistant teacher at Community College of Philadelphia (CCP) in the learning lab, and a Sunday school teacher at the church she attends. With all this to do, she still finds time in her busy schedule to help the elderly with housekeeping, shopping, and attending to their medical needs. Ms. Clark provides childcare for abused women and reads to schoolchildren. When it snows, you will find Ms. Clark outside shoveling snow for her neighbors. When Maya Angelou was writing her poem "Phenomena Woman", she must have been talking about Ms. Clark. I should probably mention that she is visually impaired. Ms. Clark has a positive attitude about everything. She is able to look beyond what she is lacking in sight and help others reach their goals.

What is an attitude? An attitude is a manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows one's disposition or opinion. A positive attitude can allow me to achieve goals and accomplish dreams. On the other hand, a negative attitude will get me nowhere in life. I will not be able to achieve or accomplish any of my dreams or goals.

An attitude is very powerful. It can build or destroy a relationship, home, a dream; a person's life. As a young female, I had a very bad attitude. I would always walk around in bad moods. It was something inside of me making me so hostile. I decided to take it out on anybody who came in my way. Most people didn't want to be bothered with me. The ones who did get involved wished they hadn't. My attitude was known as the "virus". It was not contagious, but it was hurting my body and mind, as well as others. It was like a poison I had that needed to be cured.

The first time I met Ms. Clark, she was full of happiness and joy. I couldn't understand why she was happy. Here was a lady who was blind, telling jokes, and laughing in her condition. It was just unbelievable. At that point in my life, I decided I needed a change of ways. If God allowed Ms. Clark to be positive, then I knew the world was not a bad place after all. Besides, I didn't want to be lonely and miserable all my life. For that reason I turned over a new leaf. Every night I pray to God and ask Him to help me with my attitude, so that I can make a positive change in my life as well as others. I am thankful for what I have and am using the talents I have to help others—and I'm not focusing on what I don't have. I realize now that a positive attitude can make a world of difference in my life and the lives I touch.

The only person in charge of my attitude is me. I have chosen to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. I have not yet reached the point where Ms. Clark is, but when I get older I want to be just like her. I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude. It's up to me if I want to succeed in life or fail. In my journey of life, I am striving to be the best I can be, with my new positive attitude.