The Secret Door to Success

佛罗伦萨·斯高伏尔·西恩/Florence Scovel Shinn











A successful man is always asked—"What is the secret of your success?" People never ask a man who is a failure, "What is the secret of your failure?" It is quite easy to see and they are.

People all want to know how to open the secret door to success. For each man there is success, but it seems to be behind a door or wall. In the Bible reading, we have heard the wonderful story of the falling of the walls of Jericho.

We will talk now about your wall of Jericho: the wall separating you from success. Nearly everyone has built a wall around his own Jericho.

This city you are not able to enter, contains great treasures; your divinely designed success, your heart's desire!

What kind of wall have you built around your Jericho? Often, it is a wall of resentment—resenting someone, or resenting a situation, shuts off your good.

If you are a failure and resent the success of someone else, you are keeping away your own success.

I have given the following statement to neutralize envy and resentment. What God has done for others, he now does for me.

A woman was filled with envy because a friend had received a gift, she made this statement. And an exact duplicate of the gift was given her—plus another present.

It was when the children of Israel shouted, that the walls of Jericho fell down. When you make an affirmation of Truth, your wall of Jericho totters.

Taking an interest in your work, enjoying what you are doing opens the secret door of success.