Everyone would have heard the famous phrase "Anger is one short of Danger" .It is an age-old adage,but it is time tested and still holds true.Things said or done during anger have created havoc with a lot of people and things.The tightly packed bag of mental frustration erupts i nto a volcano of anger.
But basically let's try to analyze why one gets angry?When one is not satisfied with the way things have gone,when someone has been taken in for a ride,when one blames life for treating him very badly,and man y such trivial things are the various reasons.All the frustrations get collected on one part of our mind and when we can bear it no longer,our feelings are vented in the form of a volcano of emotional tantrums.Ange r is one of the major hindrances in self-development,because it narrows our outlook.The mind looses its sense of logic and fairness,when it is accelerated by the arrogant mood of anger.
Anger is never good and it increases anxiety levels of the individua l.When one is angry,the heart pumps a lot more blood than the normal c apacity and hence it leads to high blood pressure.This may also cause a heart attack.So always be like the hard working duck,which is calm and composed by its expressions,but paddling like hell at the bottom (to ke ep itself moving).For human beings this means that,we have to keep mov ing in life by hard work.Never let disappointment and frustrations rule you.You make your own future and destiny,by following the right attitu de.
After all,it's all in a state of mind.Everyone has two options.O ne is anger and the other is maintaining your composure through patience.I chose the latter one.What have you chosen?
1.Things said or____during anger have created havoc with a lo t of____and things.The tightly packed____of mental frustratio n erupts into a volcano of____.
2.Anger is one of the____hindrances in self-development,beca use it narrows our outlook.The mind looses its____of logic and fai rness,when it is accelerated by the arrogant____of anger.
3.After all,it's all in a____of mind.Everyone has two opti ons.____is anger and the other is maintaining your composure____patience.I chose the latter one.What have you____?
1.When one is angry,the heart pumps a lot more blood than the norm al capacity and hence it leads to high blood pressure.
lead to:导致;引起;通向;发生
2.After all,it's all in a state of mind.
after all:毕竟;终究;终于