But soon in afternoon, Betty found she is lack of a good quality comb, so she remember the web site shop sale it.

She choose a fine wood and red comb with flower picture in it.

And begin to waiting for the mail man reach her house for her gift, which is sent to her by herself.

Then she write another important sentence, she write, love is an ideal between Physics and Metaphysics.

That sentence make loft ghost laughing half an hour, and he is happy to hear that someone can describe love like that.That is because before he is not think love is an so important thing in his life dictionary.

Then today pass

2515/02/03 Cool Day

Loft ghost today have a long sleep and wake up later in the morning. He is thinking about who is his favorite girl, that means who is his dream girl.He know that she is someone like Betty style.

In loft ghost mind, to be a dream girl, she must have lovely face, beautiful voice, sexy and healthy body,high IQ and high EQ.

But in fact do not every woman in the world can become a dream girl.

A dream girl must be so popular in the world.

She is better do really better than men.

In fact,most girls are lack of first love gens.

Some of them with butterfly gens, but they are always lack of luck because of this bad and evil generation,or they are lack of working so hard and so highly or perfectly goal, so they can all not become a popular dream girl all over the world.

But loft ghost feel some thing and some feeling is happening between him and Betty. That is because Betty can bring him a better life maybe in the future, and Betty is lovely and smart.

Betty always make him happy and do tender wide to him although he a person with bad character

That means he is too cool...

He think Betty can bear it.

May be only Betty can have enough clever points to bear him to hold their love and keep balance for a long time.

But he is worried falling in love with Betty, because he is worried Betty do not love him too.

But in fact, although Loft Ghost is that kinds of person who have very bad character, but he is a high EQ person.

Yes, he know how to be a good boy friend, he know how to go after a beautiful girl, he know how to keep love fresh,and he also know how to let a woman love a man. Maybe he is a playboy, what a so unlucky one. But all the people are still not sure whether he can have enough IQ to love.

That one sounds like a joke, but it is the fact and it is true.

But this time, his beautiful soul begin to worry because of Betty......

2515/02/03 Cool Day

It is a cool day today. Yes loft ghost is cool. And in fact Betty is cool. so they are cool same.

Betty still feel low today and do not go out side of the house although it is a weekend day.

Cool day is our dream, that means the weather is comfortable, right?

Yes, in the morning Betty is cool.

She make a reading list, a weekly working plan, a monthly studying plan, a yearly life plan and a shopping list.

Then she begin to change, that is because she find she has too many little things already,no need to buy more.

So she is starting to crazy for her all the small things.These things are her nightmares.

but she can still hold them and let them protect her.

So all these things are like the weapons which can help herself and protect her.

That means because of these so many things, she is safe and feel OK to the dangers of society and she never fear them.

Can u understand the reason? That in sometimes mean because of these things some bad and selfish people can give up her.

That means some rubbish ones are isolation by these good lovely beautiful small things. They are like a good test for other people.

So because of too many little things already let us forget about shopping list as we can forget about bad guys and rubbish ones.

But may be there still have some brave men staying, such as or most lovely sir, MR.loft ghost. He is always waiting for Betty.

Because he know Betty's special house is so big, no need to worry about Betty's crazy shopping requirements and too many little things already.

Yes, that is not a joke.

Yes, in the afternoon, Betty is cool.

She find an interesting and angry book to read.So she read it like an angry bird.

This book is something about a sad love story, and mostly cheating one.

Yes this book is an unlucky love tragedy. So Betty just think that is a novel and she do not trust it at all.And it also a so famous book one.

That is a right choice, so when Betty read the details of this book, she feel OK, and she never forget her afternoon flower tea every day.

So time flying, afternoon is something nearly and mostly like that, pass faster and faster in Betty's wish.

Yes,at night Betty is cool.

Night time is coming. Betty begin to thinking about loft ghost, she think he is a lovely loft ghost.

And then she think something about the novel actor which is read by her in this afternoon.

And then Betty begin to cook. It is like a cook magic. Yes, Betty cook a so delicious dinner, especial the taste of soup in this dinner is so good.

No one can believe that, it is so wonderful.But Betty know that, Loft ghost can believe that, he can trust her.

And Betty do really want to share her so good taste soup to MR. loft ghost.Because they are both lonely at night.

There can be magical good taste soup, when u believe. Yes, that is a luck, but not a joke. Loft ghost is the lucky guy who can believe that......

2515/02/04 Windy

It is a windy day today.

Loft Ghost feel crazy because of Betty, because Betty looks like do some big things today.

Loft ghost wake up early in the morning.He heard a big voice from a room of Betty's special house.

Then he use his crystal eyes magic to see what happen. Then he find a big shock.

He find Betty is doing some tests.In fact Betty is changing one of her house room to be a test room.

And he find Betty is doing some thing by herself. Yes Betty is making test machine by herself.

She bought some machine materials last week from city. And now she is mixing them.

Loft ghost finds Betty has some pictures and plans for how to DIY her test machine which are designed before.

Betty is also change one of her bed room to be a machine tool test room, yes, it is a SOHO style restroom.

Although upon Loft ghost mind of head, he can not know what Betty is done for details of her test, so he feel confused.

Then afternoon is coming, he heard Betty plan to go outside to watching a street dancing match in the big city near this town.

So when Betty went out by car, Loft ghost is catch the old fashion Battles Roadster car like a kite flying half in the sky.

Betty drive her pink Battles Roadster car to the city together with loft ghost.

When they arrive city, they together see the dancing street match shown which is mostly danced by the orgy and strange women.

2 hours pass,loft ghost is so shock to see these strange women dancing like all kinds of cos players and devils in the fact.

He feel so wonder, but the opinion is so different as Betty. After look all of that, Betty only feel angry.

The reason of the after time feeling gap between Loft ghost and Betty is because they have different gens.

Loft ghost is sometimes a person who is lack of positive and sensitive gens a little bit, he is slow in reacting......

2515/02/04 Windy

It is a windy day today.

Betty is so busy today.

May be in other people's mind, they think Betty is a crazy woman because of Lost ghost.

She wake up like every day before. In fact today she has a big plan, she decide to make a test room.

And she is plan to do a test, but because of her plan is somethings special.

So she plan to make the test tool and test machine by herself.

She is following the DIY and SOHO style which brings big shock to lost ghost.

Then she drive to the big city near her town with the kite style loft ghost together to see the dancing match there.

There are so many young women and few young men in this dancing show. The separate different team with different color of clothes.

Some team wear pink clothes, some wear green, shinning silver, red, black, golden red white& dark green,pink& blue and so on.

Even some team wear the clothes look like the golden red flowers. In Betty's opinion the team wear the golden red flower is the Best.

She call them flower team, they have the most beautiful cloth fashion and they have the best dancing style: flower team dancing.

May be you are conduced what means flower dancing team skill? That means the dancer of that team all looks like flowers even their clothes.

This flower team is like a Cheer leading team, yes, they are useful for cheer up for the game match.

After that kind of flower dance, the Athletes of match game must work harder and have higher Fierce competition.

So this most beautiful flower dancing team is useful for cheer up. And all these women look like the blond or cosplay the blond.

So they are the Welfare of the men, nearly all the men like them, that is because men are the people who is mostly like flowers.

So in Betty's mind this team style is No.1 of all the dancing team.

In fact the team dance is Mechanization and Electronic.It looks like computer programming. ALL of them are nearly 4 actions.

Up arm, down arm,crouch and Rotation. But they use computer to make them different Permutation and order to show the different meaning of the dance.

But after the flower dancing team show, there are still two dances, these two are very bad dancing style, they are evil dance, no one feel happy.

The next to last dance tell us how to destroy a flower, use their sin way and huge money to account and make some programming by computer.

And in these dance, they use two of four lead dancer to show that. One of the'ugly' lead dancer to cosplay a dead beautiful flower.

They can design this kind of evil and sin dance, because they have huge finance aid from government can invest the big electric machine to programming this evil dance.

Yes that rubbish dance is not a joke, they are made by rubbish and they are really the worst rubbish evil style in the world, that dancing teams clothes is with Fluorescent Green colour.

And many years ago they do these bad ugly rubbish dance programming style twice already before, and they use them destroy so many innocent people.

No one can bear these two rubbish style dancing.

Then let us talk about the last dance show. In this dance, the sin Choreographer use computer to design a so cheating and rubbish dance.

In these dance, this Choreographer dancer use of electric machine and huge finance investment from government to build a new role of male stupid handsome guy image.

This new male role who are build by them, looks like a junior school student, he looks like full of energy and confidence. And he is build to looks like so handsome and he is also the center of the team.

Although it is a cheating joke. Because it is not the fact, he is only a man made be computer electric programming for cheating man Because their mood and hope.

But in fact it is totally not conforming to the laws of nature, that means in the future year that man's health will happen heavy problem because of their cheating and sin style.

This sin style is just use this man to build a killer, and the Choreographer can build this special man, she can also destroy these kinds of men.

So she can destroy the flowers women, she can destroy this killer men style, and her truly plan is use computer programming account method to build any woman and man style.

She decide to use these ones controller all the people, let any people follow her, if they don't listen to her, she will destroy them so easily.

Before already happened these kinds of big destroy things twice in history about nearly 20 years ago and no reach to 10 years ago.

So from all of these dances, Betty find in this city near her town has big problem. They are selfish sin evil and rubbish, they never think about what is right or wrong and follow the nature.

They are some cheating evil want to destroy the people don not follow them and better than them, and they also want to control all the people in the world use their rubbish cheating sin style.

This Choreographer are a really evil woman, and she is a sin rubbish at all, because she use of people to destroy the one better than her. She should be gone, she is enough to gone.

So after all these foolish rubbish and selfish stupid things happened, Betty think she must make some test machines, change a bedroom to a test room and do some test tool and machine for interesting.

After known all of these, the lost ghost only say one sentence: Oh, No! What a fuck......

2515/02/05 CLOUDY& SUNNY DAY

Loft Ghost wake up early, and he dose not look Betty this morning. Because he is busy to have somethings to think about.

He heard Betty want to change one of her bedroom to a restroom and DIY some machine tools to make some electronic machines.

He is so exciting when he heard this plan of Betty, and he is so proud when Betty can have this big and wonderful plan.

So He decide to learn from Betty, that means he study Betty.He plan to change his Loft room to test room too.

What a wonderful loft ghost! But he is thinking about how to change his loft room to a test room.

And he is also think about how to make the tools which can make his machines.

So he use one afternoon to design his big invent and create plan of all his machines which he decide to DIY.

And then he do a shopping list to plan to go shopping in the big city near this town in the shopping day.

Now lost ghost is so satisfied, happy and proud about his machine DIY plan.

So the readers must so confuse and curiosity about what is the content of Loft ghost machine DIY plan?

And the readers must so wish to know loft ghost how to change his triangular roof loft space to a test room?

So we will be waiting for loft ghost go to shopping in the shopping day under his shopping list in the big city.

And then we can understand what is loft ghost machine DIY plan and design pic of his loft room change to a test room plan.

Let us expect these show in the few days after today to be patience and slowly.

Loft ghost wishes to be the best one in Betty's mind and heart. That is some thing not as same as to be a best guy in the world!

They are somethings about Active and Passive, somethings about the goal and reason of share love and only love forever.

Love is love,it is not Revenge. Love is not hurt, but hurt is Revenge.

When the time you can, please cherish that, do not let it change and develop to the time you can not......


It is a sunny and windy day today,spring is coming soon in February.

Betty wake up early and feel OK today. Yesterday night she was thinking about Loft ghost.

That is because Betty is confuse what this special guy do every day, but she can not see or wish to find him.

Then she begin to make today's plan. Her today's plan is something that continue to yesterday and before.

Several days before, Betty decide to DIY some machine and DIY some important new invents and creates.

Betty is so confused there are still no plan and no pics until now.

And something about changing her bedroom to a restroom is still no beginning until now.

So Betty decide to make done her plan today.

Then she cook herself a cup of flower tea and read a fashion magazine to relax at first.

She saw some magazine fashion models, who are wear so pretty and In.

And she also saw another news, nowadays, the pollution of earth is so terrible,especially radiation pollution.

Such as electric Fallout,radiate and irradiation pollution s.

So Betty suddenly have a good ideal.She want to change her bedroom to a restroom of Personal tailor garment design.