2. No matter how you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, even without money or a to sleep, you can give help. Even if it’s a compliment, you can give that. You never know when you may see someone that to have it all .

1. 尽管他穿着简陋,但却透着一种尊严。

2. 也许不是为了车票或是安身的一席之地,但我需要帮助。

3. 激励你的人会何时出现,你永远也无法知道。

1. I parked in front of the mall wiping off my car.

wipe off:除去;还清;洗刷

2. No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too.

no matter:不论怎样;不要紧


Be Content and Grow

Here are some steps you can enjoy taking, to experience contentment and growth. These steps are cumulative. That is, when you do Step 2, you are still practicing Step 1; when you do Step 3, you are still practicing Steps 1 & 2.

1. Practice contentment.

Enjoy what you have, who you are, and where you are. Practice being contented with what you have, rather than practice being discontented with what you do not yet have—big difference! A valuable part of contentment is to know what your core values and core skills are…and focus on enjoying using them. A part of your future upgrades will be remembering and utilizing your core values and core skills in new ways… but not losing sight of what is essential, valuable, and central.

2. Upgrade what you have.

You can upgrade in any way that you like, including more quiet time, more income, or both! You decide. Take something that you have: a kind of client, a market, a way of recreation... something that you want more of. You are choosing among the BEST of what you currently have in your life, and know how to get, have or be. Some examples: a. If you are a coach, you can take the clients that you most enjoy and that are the most profitable, and aim to get more of these… you already have some. b. If you are in business of any kind, consider that your top customers, a small number of them, probably earn you the most income. If so, aim for more of THOSE kinds of customers. c. If your enjoyment of life comes from an occasional walk, plan MORE such walks.

3. Plan your NEXT UPGRADE.

Plan a new business niche, new activity, new (and unused) part of yourself—to develop, learn about, utilize, and enjoy. In this step, you are reaching for what you do not have yet. It is especially valuable to continue practicing contentment, rather than literally practicing being discontented while you reach for something that so far has been beyond your reach. Practicing contentment means enjoyment; making a practice of discontentment means frustration: it’s a CHOICE. If it takes a while, doesn’t work out…you’ll be having a great life in the meantime, because you are still practicing contentment, and still upgrading what you have.

Be content, and grow.


1. 学会知足


2. 提升你所拥有的

你可以提升你所喜欢的,包括更多的休息时间,更多的收入,或者两者兼得。全由你决定。比如你拥有的一些东西,一种委托 ,一个市场,一种娱乐方式……一些更需要的东西。你正在选择现在你生命中拥有最好的东西,你知道如何获得,拥有或成为其中一个。a.如果你是个教练,你可以选择你最喜欢的委托人,享受最多,获得最大的利润。然后你委托更多这样的人……你已经拥有一些了。b.如果你从事某个行业,考虑一下你少量的高端客户,也许他们就是你收入的主要来源。如果是这样,你就多注意这样的人。c.如果你能从偶然的散步中获得人生的快乐,就多安排这样的散步吧。

3. 设计新提高



1. what you have, who you are, and you are. Practice being contented with what you have, rather than being discontented with what you do not yet have—big difference! A valuable of contentment is to know what your core and core skills are...and focus on enjoying using them.

2. a new business niche, new activity, new (and unused) part of yourself—to develop, learn about, utilize, and enjoy. In this , you are reaching for what you do have yet.

1. 学着去满足你所拥有的,而不是不满于你所没有的。

2. 如果你能从偶然的散步中获得人生的快乐,就多安排这样的散步吧。

3. 学会满足,意味着快乐,不满足就意味着挫败:这是一种选择。

1. Practice being contented with what you have, rather than practice being discontented with what you do not yet have...

rather than:而不是;宁可……也不愿

2. ...but not losing sight of what is essential,valuable,and central.

lose sight of:忽略;不再看见