Stress Reduction

Following is a 7 part series on stress reduction.

Breathe Through Difficulties

The breath is a wonderful tool to control your moods. Breath bridges your mind and body to your nervous system.

Whenever you think of it, practice making your breath deeper, quieter, slower and more regular. When something happens that normally would anger and upset you, practice taking four deep, slow breaths before you react.

Pay Attention to Noise

Sound influences the nervous system directly and profoundly, and often keeps us in a state of arousal and tension. Pay attention to sounds in your environment that might add to your stress; if you cannot eliminate them, try masking them with music or a white noise generator .

Learn to Stretch from Your Family Pet

By making your body more flexible, you cultivate resilience in other aspects of your life. Stretching is one of the most natural forms of exercise. Watch cats and dogs if you need instruction. Whenever the body has been in one position for a long time, stretch it briefly in the opposite direction. Remember not to hold your breath!

Move More

Physical activity is an effective way to discharge inner tension that can interfere with a resilient response to stress; the kind of activity that protects us from the harmful effects of stress is moment to moment activity throughout the day. Park your car a little further away from your destination. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Switch from Coffee to Green Tea

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that increases muscle tension and anxiety and interferes with relaxation. If you can use it occasionally, fine, but many people are addicted and will experience withdrawal when they stop. This is one obstacle to relaxation that is fairly easy to eliminate. If you cannot go without caffeine, try green tea. It is milder than coffee and has health benefits that coffee does not.

Downsize Your Life

Significant stress arises from the complexity of our lives, a major feature of which is material possessions. We have so many things, and things require attention and maintenance. I recommend simplifying. It is always a good time to think about what you can get rid of.

Take Time for Yourself

One afternoon a week, resolve to do something just for you: Take a drive in the country, listen to music you love, get a massage. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. The point is simply to reward yourself for your hard work. The rest of the world will take care of itself during that time I promise you.
















1. Pay attention to in your environment that might to your stress; if you cannot eliminate them, try masking them with or a white noise generator.

2. making your body more flexible, you cultivate resilience in aspects of your life. Stretching is one of the most natural forms of exercise. Watch cats and dogs you need instruction.

3. This is obstacle to relaxation that is fairly easy to eliminate. If you cannot go without caffeine, green tea. It is milder than coffee and has health benefits coffee does not.

1. 警惕生活环境中的噪音,它们可能会增加你的压力。

2. 想想那些你能放弃的东西,日子会过的更快乐。

3. 不需要太奢侈,关键是简单地犒劳一下自己的辛苦工作。

1. Pay attention to sounds in your environment that might add to your stress...

pay attention to:注意;重视

2. The rest of the world will take care of itself during that time I promise you.

take care of:照顾;注意;抚养