The Sunshine-Man

奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden

“There’s the dearest little old gentleman,” says James Buckram, “who goes into town every morning on the 8:30 train. I don’t know his name, and yet I know him better than anybody else in town. He just radiates cheerfulness as far as you can see him. There is always a smile on his face, and I never heard him open his mouth except to say something kind, courteous, or good-natured. Everybody bows to him, even strangers, and he bows to everybody, yet never with the slightest hint of presumption or familiarity. If the weather is fine, his jokily compliments make it seem finer; and if it is raining, the merry way in which he speaks of it is as good as a rainbow.”

“The inborn geniality of some people,” says Whipple,“amounts to genius.” There are those whose very presence carries sunshine with them wherever they go; a sunshine which means pity for the poor, sympathy for the suffering, help for the unfortunate, and benignity toward all.

Everybody loves the sunny soul. His very face is a passport anywhere. All doors fly open to him. He disarms prejudice and envy, for he bears good will to everybody. He is as welcome in every household as the sunshine.

“He was quiet, cheerful, genial,” says Carlyle in his “Reminiscences” concerning Edward Irving’s sunny helpfulness. “His soul unruffled, clear as a mirror, honestly loving and loved, Irving’s voice was to me one of blessedness and new hope.”

And to William Wilberforce the poet Soothey paid this tribute: “I never saw any other man who seemed to enjoy such perpetual serenity and sunshine of spirit.”

When Goldsmith was in Flanders he discovered the happiest man he had ever seen. At his toil, from morning till night, he was full of song and laughter. Yet this sunny-hearted being was a slave, maimed, deformed, and wearing a chain. How well he illustrated that saying which bids us, if there is no bright side, to polish up the dark one!

The first prize at a flower-show was taken by a pale, sickly little girl, who lived in a close, dark court in the east of London. The judges asked how she could grow it in such a dingy and sunless place. She replied that a little ray of sunlight came into the court; as soon as it appeared in the morning, she put her flower beneath it, and, as it moved, moved the flower, so that she kept it in the sunlight all day.

“Water, air, and sunshine, the three greatest hygienic agents, are free, and within the reach of all. Twelve years ago,” says Walt Whitman,“I came to Camden to die. But every day 1 went into the country, and bathed in the sunshine, lived with the birds and squirrels, and played in the water with the fishes. I received my health from nature.”

“It is the unqualified result of all my experience with the sick,” said Florence Nightingale,“that second only to their need of fresh air, is their need of light; that, after a close room, what most hurts them is a dark room; and that it is not only light, but direct sunshine they want.”

The sun, making all living things to grow, exerts its happiest influence in cheering the mind of man and making his heart glad, and if a man has sunshine in his soul he will go on his way rejoicing; content to look forward if under a cloud, not bating one jot of heart or hope if for a moment cast down; honoring his occupation, whatever it be; rendering even rags respectable by the way he wears them; and not only happy himself, but giving happiness to others.


美国医学家惠普尔说:“有些与生俱来的亲切感本身就是一种财富。” 有一些人,不管身在何处,阳光都会跟随着他们的步履;这里的阳光意味着对穷人的怜悯、对痛苦者的同情、对不幸者的帮助以及对所有人的仁慈。









1. There is always a on his face, and I never heard him his mouth except to say something kind, courteous, or good natured. _bows to him, even strangers, and he bows to everybody, yet with the slightest hint of presumption or familiarity.

2. All fly open to him. He disarms prejudice and envy, for he bears____will to everybody. He is as in every household as the sunshine.

3. She replied a little ray of sunlight came into the court; as soon as it in the morning, she put her flower beneath it, and, as it moved, ______the flower, so that she kept it in the sunlight day.

1. 虽然日夜不息地埋头干活,他却总是欢歌笑语不断。

2. 假如看不到光明的一面,就去驱除阴暗的一面吧!

3. 假如一个人心中拥有阳光,他就会踏上幸福之路。

1. He just radiates cheerfulness as far as you can see him.

as far as:至于,直到,远到;就……而言

2. soon as it appeared in the morning, she put her flower beneath it...

as soon as:一……就……