Happy Moments

Happy moments—those moments when you feel fully alive—certainly exist. They swim by us every day like shining, silver fish waiting to be caught. When I surveyed my friends, what I hauled in on the subject turned out to be the small fish of happiness, not the big denizens of the deep.

They said happiness is...

Coming home to see the answering-machine light blinking;

Triumphs by my kids, triumphs by me;

Blue Mountain coffee, freshly brewed;

Long drives by yourself;

Waking up without the alarm;

Seeing someone you love after a long absence.

Ultimately, what’s so wonderful about happiness is that even when you are not searching for it, it can find you. How else can I explain the feeling I had when a small boy came up to me in the supermarket and told me he liked my shoes?

I felt happy.











1. When I surveyed my friends, I hauled in on the subject turned out to _______ the small of happiness, not the big denizens of the .

2.Ultimately, what’s so wonderful happiness is that even when you are not searching for it, it can you. How else can I explain the I had when a small boy came up to me in the supermarket and told me he my shoes?

1. 幸福瞬间——当你实实在在地感受到时——的确存在。

2. 每天,它们在我们身边徘徊,像银光闪闪的游鱼,等待我们去捕捉。

3. 最后,即使你没有找到幸福,它们也会找上你,这就是幸福的奇妙之处。

1. ... what I hauled in on the subject turned out to be the small fish of happiness, not the big denizens of the deep.

turn out:生产;结果是;关掉;出动;驱逐

2. Waking up without the alarm...

wake up:醒来,起床;开始警觉